Discover the incredible world of Massage Therapy in Thurmont, MD at the Center of Life! Let our experienced Massage Therapists guide you on a path to ultimate rejuvenation and relaxation. Whether you're looking for a calming Swedish massage, a luxurious Honey Facelift Massage, or a personalized treatment, our devoted therapists are here for you. Take the first step toward a revitalized body and mind by reaching out to one of our Massage Therapists at Center of Life in Thurmont, MD today!

We are a passionate group of local independent Wellness practitioners offering Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork and Hypnosis to our community. Our goal is to meet you on your healing journey, designing treatments that specifically meet the needs of YOUR body and mind.

Angie Wilhide

(240) 367-0080

Judi Mach

(301) 788-3258

Lorie Jennings

(301) 712-7313

Ashley Merriman

(240) 367-0080

Toni Bomengo

 (717) 357-1485 

a woman is getting a massage on her back at a spa .

Sharon Edmundson, Milestones Hypnosis

(240) 674-3071

Our minds work on two levels - conscious and subconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The subconscious mind controls our beliefs and habits. In hypnosis the conscious mind is relaxed, while the subconscious becomes more aware. Positive suggestions given by the hypnotist are readily accepted in this altered state.

Take advantage of my FREE 30 minute consultation. Come and meet with me and have any questions answered about how hypnosis can support you and achieve your goals! No obligation necessary! 

a stack of rocks on a beach with the ocean in the background
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